Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Never Tried Bok Choy? You might want to give it a look.

If you're like I was, the name Bok Choy is familiar...something to do with Chinese food...but you've never purchased it and cooked with it. It's the unknown vegetable. But you may want to step out of the box and give it a whirl. It happens that there are a lot of health benefits to adding this cabbage family item to your normal diet. It has lots of beta-carotene, is rich in Vitamin D, C, A and K, potassium, calcium, dietary fiber, and is low in fat and calories.

Take a look at these facts:

  • It has powerful antioxidant carotenoids that guard free-radical damage to organs and skin
  • Bok Choy can decrease the risk of lung cancer thanks to the beta-carotene it contains.
  • Studies have show that the lutein and zeaxathin in bok choy will help lower the risk of developing cataracts and help protect the eyes.
  • The Vitamin A contained in the vegetable is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Women should make bok choy a part of their regular diet because it is an excellent source of calcium.
  • The Chinese cabbage is also a rich source of Vitamin D, which helps to facilitate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, with ensures that the bones and teeth will remain healthy.
  • It can also provide excellent amounts of folate and B6 which decrease the risks of heart disease and strokes.
  • The minerals found in bok choy like potassium help reduce the risk of circulatory diseases and regulate the blood pressure.
  • It is an excellent source of dietary fiber.
  • It’s fat-free and is very low in sodium.
  • Aids in healthy digestion

Mildly flavored with a tender sweetness, it's a welcome accompaniment to many meals without being overpowering.   It can be found fresh year-round in supermarkets.  The green leaves of bok choy are great for salads and soups. Many say that bok choy has a vastly superior and richer taste compared to other types of cabbage.   Need some help with how to use it?  I like to saute it in olive oil with other vegetables and cheese for an egg scramble.  And below are links to some other ideas and recipes!

Let me know what you think!

Bok Choy Lentil Soup:

Salmon with Almonds and Bok Choy:

Bok Choy Salad:

Citrus Shrimp:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Rebounding to Fitness!

Jump Your Way to Health

I have always liked to jog to stay in shape, but in recent years have found it to be too rough on my joints.   Then I happened upon some interesting information about Mini Trampolines, also called Rebounders.  Scientific studies have shown that jogging/bouncing on a Rebounder is a more efficient exercise (68% more efficient, according to NASA) than the ground.  It also has the up side that it is very gentle on joints.   So I put a Rebounder in my living room (so that I could watch TV while jogging) and have found it to be one of the best ways to exercise.  I can use it anytime of day, for as little or long as I want, and I don’t have to brave weather conditions or get shin splints.  And if you are not a jogger, the studies have shown that even gentle bouncing can increase your level of health.  Among the many areas it profits: it builds bone/spine mass, eases arthritis pain, increases metabolism, stimulates the lymphatic system to release bad cholesterol, and strengthens the heart muscle. 

I love the fact that I can get a great work out without having to go to a gym (saves time and money) and that I can do it so easily…all topped off with the fact that it is much gentler on my joints.  So if you find that you are concerned about your joints, and/or don’t have time to go to a gym, you may want to try bouncing your way to fitness!

If you want more information on Rebounding, here are some great links to check out:

 “It is especially healing for the ankles, knees and low back, without the shock of regular exercise. Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) cited rebounding as being 68% more efficient than regular running exercises. Rebounding is more playful than it is a job of exercise.”

"....you can exercise quite vigorously on a trampoline without feeling out of breath, but still gain the same benefits you would from jogging on pavement. This is good news for people who just can't go running because of health reasons such as arthritis.  It avoids the shinsplints and knee problems associated with exercise on a hard surface. It also has the beneficial effect of restoring bone mass and can actually stop osteoporosis...."

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Secret to Lovely Skin? Baking Soda

Did you know that Baking Soda 
is an excellent (and cheap!) 
facial exfoliant?

I'm sure that by now you have read in a million magazines that skin exfoliation is one of the most important elements in routine beauty care.  Skin exfoliation is actually a natural process, through which the body sheds dead surface skin cells to reveal the new healthy ones. However, this important process often times slows down due to various factors (shifting hormones, age) and makes the skin look dull or encourages breakouts. In the case of dry skin, dead cells accumulate faster (than other skin types) and hinder the shedding process and moisture absorption...and in case of oily skin, the natural exfoliation process is hindered as the dead cells get sticky, making it difficult to shed.  Hence, it can be said that natural exfoliation process needs some 'assistance' from us most of the time.

To 'assist' my skin over the years, I've tried quite a few different exfoliants... with mixed results:  either they are too harsh and make matters worse, or they don't get the job done.  So this last year I decided to try using a home remedy that I kept reading about:  Baking Soda.  And by-george, I've had the best experience with it of all of the things I've tried.  It's a fine enough powder to be gentle, it's ph neutral, and it's darn cheap!  (And you can use it to bake chocolate chip cookies when you're done exfoliating!)

If you want to give it a try for yourself, here are some tips:
  •     Mix 2 teaspoons-ish of baking soda with 2 teaspoons-ish of water (or your facial cleanser) to make a smooth paste.
  •    Apply the paste all over the face with your fingertips.  (Note:  leave out the areas surrounding the eyes, as the skin is very sensitive there.)
  •     Gently and moderately rub your face in circular motions covering small areas at a time (I always include the lips).   Concentrate more on areas that breakout.  Don't be too rough with the scrubbing, a gentle action will get the job done.
  •     Once you finish scrubbing, be sure to rinse off all of the paste with water.  I wipe my face with a wet wash cloth after I've rinsed, to be sure I've wiped away any lingering dead skin cells.
My experience with this has been the best skin I've had in a long time, fewer blemishes, and more change in my purse.

(I use Bob's Red Mill Baking Soda, as it is all natural and aluminum free.)

Monday, July 25, 2011

You'll Love the Way You Smell: All Natural Hazelnut Vanilla Lotion

Giovanni Hydrate Body Lotion:  Hazelnut Vanilla

A friend turned me on to this lotion about a year ago, and I'm HOOKED!  I am not a coffee lover, but whenever someone is brewing a pot of Hazelnut Vanilla coffee, I think it is one of the most engaging scents.   And this lotion smells just like a freshly ground pot of Hazelnut Vanilla coffee....all over your body.   Giovanni has a great line of natural products, free of sulfates and parabens...they get it.  So you can feel good about what you're putting on your skin....as well as have people want to stand close to you. :-)

I buy this product at a local discount store called Savemart, which is not a national chain...so for those of you not near that store, here is a link to Giovanni's website that lists retailers that carry their products: http://www.giovannicosmetics.com/locator.php.  You may want to take a look at the packaging of the bottle to make it easier to spy at the store.  When you find it, unscrew the top and take a whiff...it's a little slice of heaven that will make your day.  Yes, you are going to pay a little more for this product, anywhere from $7 to $8, but for me it is totally worth it for both the peace of mind of the ingredients and the amazingly awesome scent.  If you can't find it anywhere in a store, you can order it from Amazon or vitacost.com. 

As always, if you try it, let me know what you think.  I'd love your feedback.

Take Care! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A One-Two Punch: Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil's one-two punch comes from the fact that it is  both Anti-Viral AND Anti-Bacterial...killing both virus and bacteria in one punch.  (It is also an anti-fungal). I don't think there is anything better to keep your home and your skin clean and free of germs.  I use it (diluted) on any fledgling break outs on my face, but I use it the most in spray bottles to kills germs and freshen the air in my home....I spray my kitchen garbage can, keep a spray bottle by the commode, spray my mattress and sheets, my tub and sinks, I clean my toothbrush with it every so often, and use it as a bug repellent. I'm always thinking of some new use for it. You can pick it up at your local health store, or order it online.

Historically, Tea Tree Oil was used in World War I and II (before antibiotics were invented) to stave off infections.   Wikipedia has this to say, "Tea tree oil has beneficial medical properties when applied topically, including antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral action, and is also believed to have beneficial cosmetic properties. Tea tree oil is best used diluted.  It should not be ingested"   ‌http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_tree_oil

Here is a list of just some of uses for Tea Tree Oil:

1. Use a diluted dab to treat acne.
2. An anti-fungal for treating Athlete’s Foot, eczema, various yeast infections, etc.
3. An antiseptic to be used on cuts and burns.
4. An anti-viral: it may lessen the symptoms of colds and flu. Try using a few drops in the bath...or a vaporizer to loosen chest congestion (and it keeps the water sterile).
6. Use a tea tree oil rinse to control dandruff and dry scalp.
7. To freshen the air combine 12 drops of tea tree oil in 2 cups of water in a spray bottle.
8. To disinfect, add a few drops to dishwasher dispenser
9. A few drops added to each load of laundry to leave your clothes smelling cleaner.
10. Control mold with a tea tree oil/water spray.
11. To keep germs at bay, spray it on high chairs, car seats, and other high traffic spots.
12. 15 drops in a quart of water can be an effective insect repellent.  Be sure to take some with you when hiking and camping to put directly on insect bites or blisters.
13. Use a drop or two to clean your toothbrush
14. Spray on mattresses and sheets to kill dust mites.

***Please Note:  Tea tree oil should be diluted a bit before placing directly on skin, and should not be ingested.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Boi-ing Concealer by Benefit

Boi-ing Concealer by Benefit

I have been using this concealer for over 8 years, and haven't found anything that compares to it.  I mainly use it to cover up blemishes or break outs.  From talking with different make up artists, I have found that concealer #2 (medium) is usually the best color for most people...I know it is for me.  It is a quality product that stays put until you wash it off.

Recently a good friend came to visit me, and we were putting on our make up together getting ready to go out to hear some music.  She was lamenting a recent break out spot, and I said to her, "I can make that magically disappear".  I put some concealer on my finger and dabbed it on her face, and she was astonished that you could no longer see the break out...that's how well it works.  Needless to say, she is a believer and user now.

If you want to give it a try it for yourself, you can go to Sephora and try some of the tester they have there.  Don't be put off by the price...my concealer usually lasts me from 18 months to 2 years.  I consider that worth the price, especially for all of the grief it saves me when I need to cover something up!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes

I really don't like DEET, I just don't think it's good to have those toxins entering your blood stream through your skin.  If you feel the same way, I have gathered some information on 'natural' ways to keep the mosquitoes from biting.  I'm hoping that at least one of them works for me this summer.  Let me know if you try them out!
  1. Rub the peel of an orange or lemon over your exposed skin.  The Limonene (a natural oil in citrus zest) will interrupt the mosquitoes' sensory perception and they will ignore you.
  2. Catnip oil is fun for kitties, but apparently not so fun for mosquitoes.  The oil from catnip has been shown to be repulsive to all sort of bugs, including mosquitoes, and an Iowa State University study showed that the oil from catnip is 10 times more effective than DEET at keeping them away.  You can put the oil in a spray bottle or just rub it on.
  3. Geraniums are never bothered by bugs, as they find their smell distasteful.   Therefore many people have had success using Geranium Oil as a deterrent to mosquitoes and other bugs.  
You can purchase these products at your local health store or online!